Configuring mod_roaming ======================= 1. Edit your httpd.conf file and add a line like the following: RoamingAlias /roaming /usr/local/apache/roaming The first argument is the uri prefix that mod_roaming will respond to, the second argument is the directory where the roaming access files will be stored. Make sure the webserver has write permissions to this directory. Preferrably, no other user should have read or write permissions to this directory to protect the privacy of the users. A subdirectory is automatically created for each user, e.g. the roaming access files for user vinny will be stored under /usr/local/apache/roaming/vinny and can be accessed via http:///roaming/vinny/... Multiple mod_roaming directives may be used to set up multiple roaming uri's. You do not have to set up directories for the individual users. These are automatically created the first time someone uses Roaming Access. 2. Make sure that any requests made to the roaming directory are authorized. You can do this in a number of different ways: a. by putting a .htaccess file in the roaming directory (e.g. /usr/local/apache/roaming). If you do this, make sure Apache is reading the .htaccess file and the directives in it are allowed (AllowOverride AuthConfig), b. by putting a block in httpd.conf, or c. by putting a block in httpd.conf. This file or block should contains something like this: AuthUserFile /usr/local/apache/conf/roaming-htpasswd AuthType Basic AuthName "Roaming Access" require valid-user The roaming-htpasswd can be created by using the htpasswd program that comes with the Apache distribution. Try accessing the URL http:///roaming//liprefs to check whether authentication has been configurated correctly. These steps make sure access to the roaming files is authenticated. However, basic authentication is very weak and passwords can be snooped from the connection. SSL would be even better, but Netscape Communicator 4.5 refuses to connect to https URL's when they are entered as the Roaming URL. If you want to use your regular Unix password for authentication you may want to look into Howard Fear's mod_auth_sys module: 3. Stop Apache and start it again (restarting after rebuilding a DSO module sometimes causes Apache to hang or crash). Configuring Netscape Communicator ================================= There are two ways roaming access can be enabled with Netscape Communicator: 1. You can change an existing user profile to use the Roaming Access server 2. You can create a new user profile that uses the settings on a Roaming Access server. Enabling Roaming Access for an existing user profile ---------------------------------------------------- 1. Start Netscape Communicator. 2. Open the Preferences dialog. 3. Go to the "Roaming Access" pane. 4. Check the "Enable Roaming Access for this profile" checkbox. 5. Enter your username below and optionally check the "Remember my roaming password" checkbox. 6. Go to the "Server Info" pane. 7. Select the "HTTP Server" radio button. 8. Enter the Roaming URL, e.g. You can replace the userid with the string $USERID or %USERID% to let Netscape Communicator replace it with the userid entered in the previous pane. 9. Go to the "File Selection" pane. 10. Select the files you want to be stored on the Roaming Access server. Depending upon your trust of the network and the server you may or may not want to store the Java Security or Certificates and Private Keys file on the Roaming Access Server. Storing the History file on the server may not be very useful and may consume valuable bandwidth. Known problems ============== The following known and unresolved issues exist with mod_roaming and Roaming Access: * Loading mod_roaming as a DSO module on Debian GNU/Linux fails with an error message like: Cannot load /usr/local/apache/libexec/ into server: /usr/local/apache/libexec/ undefined symbol: stat Luc Stepniewski reported he has managed to build a DSO module with: > gcc -DLINUX=2 -DUSE_HSREGEX -fpic -DSHARED_MODULE -I/usr/local/apache/include -c mod_roaming.c > ld -Bshareable -o mod_roaming.o -lc -lm -lcrypt * There can be problems when you access the Roaming Access server through a proxy. Roaming Access uses the non-standard HTTP MOVE request method to atomically update the files. Some proxies (including Squid) do not pass these requests through to the server. One way to get around this is to add the line user_pref("li.prefs.http.useSimplePut", true); to your Preferences file. However, I have used before and it gives a lot of hassle (sometimes it disappears and reverts back to the old way of doing things).