All the directives understood by this version of mod-auth-mysql are listed below. The huge number of synonym directives is due to the merging of two separate versions of the program, both of which had subtly different usage symantics. I'm sure there will be rationalisation in the near future. Auth_MySQL_Info Server-wide config option to specify the database host, username, and password used to connect to the MySQL server. This option affects all directories which do not override it via AuthMySQL_Host, AuthMySQL_User, and/or AuthMySQL_Password. AuthMySQL_DefaultHost Specifies the MySQL server to use for authentication. This option affects all directories which do not override it via AuthMySQL_Host. AuthMySQL_Host Synonym for AuthMySQL_DefaultHost, to be used in .htaccess files and directory-specific entries. Auth_MySQL_DefaultPort Specifies a port to use to talk to a MySQL server. If left empty, the default (3306) will be used. This option affects all directories which do not override it via Auth_MySQL_Port. Auth_MySQL_Port Specifies a non-default port to use (other than 3306) when talking to the MySQL server on AuthMySQL_Host or AuthMySQL_DefaultHost. Auth_MySQL_DefaultSocket If using a local MySQL server, you can specify a non-default named pipe to use instead of the default pipe name compiled into your MySQL client library. This option affects all directories which do not override it via Auth_MySQL_Socket. Auth_MySQL_Socket If using a local MySQL server, you can specify a non-default named pipe to use instead of the default one compiled into MySQL with this option. AuthMySQL_DefaultUser Specifies the username for connection to the MySQL server. AuthMySQL_User Synonym for AuthMySQL_DefaultUser, to be used in .htaccess files and directory-specific entries. AuthMySQL_DefaultPassword Specifies the password user together with the above user. AuthMySQL_Password Synonym for AuthMySQL_Password, to be used in .htaccess files and directory-specific entries. Auth_MySQL_General_DB Server-wide, specifies a default database name to use. Auth_MySQL_DB Synonym for Auth_MySQL_General_DB, to be used in .htaccess files and directory-specific entries. AuthMySQL_DefaultDB Synonym for Auth_MySQL_General_DB. AuthMySQL_DB Synonym for Auth_MySQL_General_DB, to be used in .htaccess files and directory-specific entries. AuthName "" Describes the data you're guarding. AuthType The authentication process used in the transaction. Stick with Basic, no others work at present. require Specify what is considered a valid authentication. can be either user, group, or valid-user. valid-user is the simplest - anyone who gets the username and password right gets in. Otherwise, the user must either have a username in the space-separated list of identifiers (if using user) or must be a member of a group in the list of identifiers (if user group). Auth_MySQL_Password_Table The name of the MySQL table in the specified database which stores username:password pairs. By default, it is 'mysql_auth'. AuthMySQL_Password_Table Synonym for Auth_MySQL_Password_Table. Auth_MySQL_Group_Table As per ...Password_Table above, stores username:group pairs. Normally you'll store username:password:group triplets in the one table, but we are nothing if not flexible. Defaults to 'mysql_auth'. AuthMySQL_Group_Table Synonym for Auth_MySQL_Group_Table. Auth_MySQL_Username_Field The name of the field which stores usernames. Defaults to 'username'. The username/password combo specified in Auth_MySQL_Info must have select privileges to this field in the Password and Group tables. AuthMySQL_Username_Field Synonym for Auth_MySQL_Username_Field. Auth_MySQL_Password_Field As per ...Username_Field above, but for passwords. Same MySQL access privileges. Defaults to 'password'. AuthMySQL_Password_Field Synonym for Auth_MySQL_Password_Field. Auth_MySQL_Group_Field As per ...Username_Field above. Defaults to 'groups'. AuthMySQL_Group_Field Synonym for Auth_MySQL_Group_Field. Auth_MySQL_Group_User_Field The name of the field in the groups table which stores the username. Defaults to the field name specified for usernames in the passwords table. AuthMySQL_Group_User_Field Synonym for Auth_MySQL_Group_User_Field. Auth_MySQL_Password_Clause Adds arbitrary clause to username:password matching query, for example: " AND Allowed=1". Clause has to start with space. Default is empty. Auth_MySQL_Group_Clause Adds arbitrary clause to username:group matching query, for example: " AND Allowed=1". Clause has to start with space. Default is empty. Auth_MySQL_Empty_Passwords Whether or not to allow empty passwords. If the password field is empty (equals to '') and this option is 'on', users would be able to access the page by just specifying their username WITHOUT ANY PASSWORD CHECKING. If this is 'off', they would be denied access. Default: 'on'. AuthMySQL_Empty_Passwords Synonym for Auth_MySQL_Empty_Passwords. Auth_MySQL_Encryption_Types Select which types of encryption to check, and in which order to check them. It overrides the legacy Auth_MySQL_Scrambled_Passwords and Auth_MySQL_Encrypted_Passwords directives. Multiple encryption types may be specified, to instruct the module to check each password in multiple encryption schemes - a useful feature for legacy transitions. For example: Auth_MySQL_Encryption_Types Plaintext Crypt_DES Would instruct the module to do a direct comparison of the entered password with the contents of the password field, and if that fails, to do a DES crypt() check, a la Unix password handling. The available encryption types supported at this time are: Plaintext Pretty self-explanatory. Not recommended. Crypt_DES Check the password via the standard Unix crypt() call, using DES hashing. Crypt_MD5 Check the password via the standard Unix crypt() call, using an MD5 hash. Crypt Check the password via the standard Unix crypt() call, without preference for the hashing scheme employed. This is the generally preferred means of checking crypt()ed passwords, because it allows you to use other schemes which may be available on your system, such as blowfish. PHP_MD5 Compares with an MD5 hash, encoded in the way that PHP and MySQL handle MD5 hashes - 32 character hex code, with lowercase letters. MySQL The hashing scheme used by the MySQL PASSWORD() function. AuthMySQL_Encryption_Types Synonym for Auth_MySQL_Encryption_Types. Auth_MySQL_Encrypted_Passwords (DEPRECATED) Equivalent to: Auth_MySQL_Encryption_Types Crypt_DES Only used if ...Encryption_Types is not set. Defaults to 'on'. If both this option and ...Scrambled_Passwords are 'off' and ...Encryption_Types is not set, passwords are expected to be in plaintext. AuthMySQL_Encrypted_Passwords (DEPRECATED) Synonym for Auth_MySQL_Encrypted_Passwords. Auth_MySQL_Scrambled_Passwords (DEPRECATED) Equivalent to: Auth_MySQL_Encryption_Types MySQL The same restrictions apply to this directive as to ...Encrypted_Passwords. AuthMySQL_Scrambled_Passwords (DEPRECATED) Synonym for Auth_MySQL_Scrambled_Passwords. Auth_MySQL_Authoritative Whether or not to use other authentication schemes if the user is successfully authenticated. That is, if the user passes the MySQL authentication, they may still be rejected by a later module if this option is set 'off'. The default is 'on' (i.e. if the user passes the MySQL module, they're considered OK). AuthMySQL_Authoritative Synonym for Auth_MySQL_Authoritative. Auth_MySQL_Non_Persistent If set to 'on', the link to the MySQL server is explicitly closed after each authentication request. Note that I can't think of any possible good reason to do this, unless your platform makes MySQL go crazy when it has plenty of simultaneous threads (bad handling of file descriptors may cause that). In my opinion, one should increase the maximum number of simultaneous threads in MySQL and keep this option off. Default: off, and for good reason. AuthMySQL_Persistent An antonym for Auth_MySQL_Non_Persistent. AuthMySQL_AllowOverride Whether or not .htaccess files are allowed to use their own Host/User/Password/DB specifications. If set to 'off', then the defaults specified in the httpd.conf cannot be overridden. Auth_MYSQL Whether or not to enable MySQL authentication. If it's off, the MySQL authentication will simply pass authentication off to other modules defined. AuthMySQL Synonym for Auth_MYSQL.