
(PHP 5)

bcpowmod --  Raise an arbitrary precision number to another, reduced by a specified modulus


string bcpowmod ( string x, string y, string modulus [, int scale] )

Use the fast-exponentiation method to raise x to the power y with respect to the modulus modulus. The optional scale can be used to set the number of digits after the decimal place in the result.

Note: Because this method uses the modulus operation, non-natural numbers may give unexpected results. A natural number is any positive non-zero integer.


The following two statements are functionally identical. The bcpowmod() version however, executes in less time and can accept larger parameters.


$b bcmod(bcpow($x$y), $mod);

// $a and $b are equal to each other. 


See Also

bcpow() and bcmod().