vim (1:7.0-017+6) unstable; urgency=low * "vim" vs "vi" revisited Invoking Vim as "vi" now only provides a vi-compatiable environment for the vim-tiny package (which is included in base). The remaining variants will retain their normal behavior. Since this behavior was restricted to vim-tiny, /etc/vim/virc has been renamed /etc/vim/vimrc.tiny. As was the case with the initial "vi" changes, the only setting in /etc/vim/vimrc.tiny is "set compatible". -- James Vega Mon, 5 Jun 2006 20:00:02 -0400 vim (1:7.0-015+1) unstable; urgency=low * "vim" vs "vi" Vim now behaves differently when invoked as "vim" or "vi". In the former case the usual Debian configuration (/etc/vim/vimrc, /etc/vim/gvimrc) is sourced. When invoked as "vi" only /etc/vim/virc is sourced, providing a minimal Vim environment, which strives to be compatible with the original "vi". Run Vim as "vim" if you want a full-fledged environment (a shell alias vi=vim usually works too). The actual content of /etc/vim/virc sets 'compatible' and nothing else. Note that user configuration files (~/.vimrc) and other files found in the runtimepath are still sourced when Vim is invoked as "vi". * /etc/vim/vimrc.local is deprecated Vim system-wide configuration files (/etc/vim/*rc) no longer contain paths with hard-coded Vim version numbers. They can now be freely modified without risking to loose access to Vim runtime files on version changes (this used to happen in the past if the sysadm failed to merge changes applied in the Debian packages). Therefore .local files in /etc/vim/ are no longer needed and can be no longer sourced in future versions of the default Vim configuration in Debian. Please merge .local files in /etc/vim/vimrc and /etc/vim/gvimrc. -- Stefano Zacchiroli Fri, 12 May 2006 21:19:55 -0500 vim (1:6.4+7.0g01-1) experimental; urgency=low /etc/vim/vimrc (and gvimrc) no longer contain the default system-wide settings for Vim. They have been moved to $VIMRUNTIME/debian.vim in order to ensure any changes we maintainers make are properly applied (such as further modifications to the runtimepath option). This frees up /etc/vim/vimrc (and gvimrc) for the sysadmin to make any changes directly to that file instead of using vimrc.local as had previously been suggested. The only line which need be maintained is "runtime! debian.vim" as that is what sources the package's system-wide settings. It is highly recommended that the new vimrc and gvimrc files are accepted or carefully merged with the existing files since not doing so will very likely cause Vim not to operate correctly. -- James Vega Wed, 3 May 2006 10:54:15 -0400 vim (1:6.4-004+1) unstable; urgency=low * The vim-tiny package is back. It contains a compact version of the vim executable (no GUI, a small subset of Vim features) and does not depend on the Vim runtime (which, in the meantime, has been moved to a separate vim-runtime package). You can now have a 1 Mb installation of your favorite editor! * Vim variants no longer conflict. You can now install at the same time different variants of the Vim editor. The default one is configured via alternatives, with priorities increasing with the amount of features compiled in. Specific variants are available as /usr/bin/vim.variantname. * /usr/bin/gvim as gnome-text-editor. GNOME enabled vim variants (namely "vim-gnome" and "vim-full") provide again alternatives for /usr/bin/gnome-text-editor. Still, their priorities are smaller than gedit's (40 vs 50 and 45 vs 50 respectively), you have to manually choose gvim with update-alternatives if you want to use it as your default GNOME text editor. -- Stefano Zacchiroli Sat, 2 Dec 2005 10:03:08 +0100 vim (1:6.3-068+4) unstable; urgency=medium * The kvim patch is unmaintained and has some annoying bugs, so we decided to remove the kvim packages from Debian. -- Norbert Tretkowski Wed, 30 Mar 2005 13:39:52 +0200